International Society for the History of the Neurosciences
The 200th anniversary of the birth of Jean-Martin Charcot
Bicentenaire de la naissance de Jean-Martin Charcot
2025 July 1-5
Under the High Patronage of
Mr Emmanuel MACRON
President of the French Republic
You have an opportunity to be part of this major event by presenting your work and sharing your knowledge with the experts in the field of History of Neurology at La Salpêtrière
Send now your presentation's proposal (in English). The talk should not exceed 20 minutes (Using Microsoft Powerpoint is welcome).
Call for Abstracts is closed
The program is complete by October 15, 2024.
You can propose a printed version of a poster
All communication shall have at least one author who is member
of the ISHN (Full Membership US $45)
or member of the SFHM (Full Membership 75€)
No other submission procedure is accepted.
If you have any questions about this meeting, please write to: walusinski at
All abstracts of talks and printed versions must be received before May 1, 2025
Please include the following information for all proposed presentations:
1. Title of Paper
2. Full name, affiliation, email address
3. Word file, maximum of 300 words, Times New Roman
4. The printed version may be accompanied by a single illustration (.tff >300dpi)
Last updated on Febrauary 12, 2025
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The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences